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179: Clarissa Silva—Ready To Find Love In A Whole New Way?

Learn how you can really, really find your soul mate!  

This is a podcast that everyone should pay attention to. Our guest is Clarissa Silva, the founder of Your Happiness Hypothesis (H20) Method. Based on an algorithm she created, this “first-ever disruptive relationship technique” helps people find their significant other, husband, wife, partner, through a methodology that really works. After trying e-Harmony and all the other dating apps, she took the traditional psychological and behavioral science models and re-engineered them to be 10 times more effective. And guess what? She met her husband! If you’re like me, you’ll find our conversation fascinating, and possibly, even the gateway to love and happiness. 

Clarissa SilvaSuccessfully disrupted the matchmaking industry

Clarissa Silva revolutionized the way she approached love after examining the conventional theories and realizing that none of them had ever worked in her life. Thus began her journey into disruption.

In this podcast, we examine this topic from the perspective of the challenges facing men and women today. How can we find the right partner who is honest and authentic when so many potential companions lie about their age, are deceitful about their interests, and present a false illusion about themselves and what type of person they would like to meet? Clarissa was experiencing the same pain. So in true Blue Ocean fashion, she took her talent and brainpower and created a magical algorithm that really works. Bravo Clarissa!

To learn more about how to find your potential mate, read Clarissa’s blogs here.

Ready to find love?

To enroll in Clarissa’s Your Happiness Hypothesis (h20) Method: Finding The Right One Program, her revolutionary 6-week relationship method that contains her own scientific-based techniques on how she met her husband, click here.

About Clarissa Silva

Clarissa is a behavioral scientist, researcher and relationship coach with 18 years’ experience in mental health, behavioral science and public health. She was trained as a scientist and researcher at the University of Michigan where she received the prestigious National Institutes of Health Ford/Fogarty fellowship. She has been affiliated with NY Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, NY Presbyterian Cornell Medical Center-Payne Whitney Clinic, Harvard University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, New York State Psychiatric Institute and the United Nations, and is currently a member of Harvard Medical School’s IOC, which is dedicated to the science of coaching as a practice. 

In the US, Clarissa has been featured on FOX, NBC, HuffPostLive, ABC, CBS, PR Newswire, Google Local, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Vice,Teen Vogue, Business Insider, Glamour, NY Post and Latina, among others. Internationally, she has appeared on Yahoo Japan, Metro International, Cosmopolitan Italy, Cosmopolitan Netherlands, Vice Germany, Vice Spain, Vice Columbia, MSN Spain, Cosmopolitan UK and Кафе пауза (Macedonia).

Want to learn more about the disruptive power of Blue Ocean Strategy? Check out this blog and 2 podcasts

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