Monthly Archives: July 2016

Why Are Graduates Not Getting Good Jobs and What Are Colleges Doing About It?

Higher education needs to change how it is preparing students for jobs in today's economy. [...]

Why Is Corporate Anthropology Good for Your Business? The Benjamin Obdyke Story

Corporate anthropology helps businesses see, feel and think about growth opportunities that are often all [...]

An Alarming, And Growing, Area of Concern: Burnout Among Medical Professionals

An Alarming, And Growing, Area of Concern: Burnout Among Medical Professionals

U.S. Talent Gap Needs A Blue Ocean Strategy®

A growing talent gap needs a Blue Ocean Strategy for colleges and industry to sustain [...]

Is A Really Big Idea In Plain Sight? Ask Trey Williams!

Trey Williams founded his restaurants after turning his deer hunting into an entirely new idea [...]

Are You On the Brink to See Opportunities Right Before You?

Are you sitting on acres of diamonds you cannot see? Maybe you are on the [...]

Can You Learn Something From a Failed Venture?

Even if a great idea doesn't work out, there are still valuable lessons to be [...]

“On The Brink” Press Release

Andi Simon’s new book launches today! We are pleased to announce that Dr. Andi Simon’s [...]

What I Learned Publishing My First Book: “On the Brink” Launches Today!

What I learned writing my new book On the Brink that you can learn too.