Monthly Archives: September 2020

235: Bill Sherman—The Time Is Right For Innovative Thought Leadership

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with thought leader Bill Sherman about [...]

Do Women Make Better Leaders In A Pandemic? Yes, By A Lot

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, discusses how women need to be recognized that they have what [...]

If Only You Can See How Powerful Women Are Leading Us Out Of The Pandemic

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, explains how all over the world, women-led countries have had a [...]

234: Shellye Archambeau—How You Can Be Unapologetically Ambitious

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Shellye Archambeau about conquering the [...]

Will You Adapt Or Die? How Cultural Anthropology Can Transform Your Business Strategy

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO and corporate anthropologist, explains how anthropology helps leaders see, feel and [...]

233: JD Gershbein—How Is LinkedIn Your New World For Building Networks?

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with JD Gershbein, a LinkedIn expert [...]

232: Tracy Higginbotham—Now Is The Time For Women To Help Women Build Better Businesses

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Tracy Higginbotham about how her [...]