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225: Graham Boyd—Isn’t It Time To See What We Are Ignoring?

Hear how to transform yourself, your work, and our global challenges.

In this podcast, Graham Boyd and I talk about his passion for helping people see things in new ways. He asks big questions, like, Why is climate change not changing us and why aren’t we addressing it? Why has the coronavirus immobilized some countries and their leadership, particularly the U.S., when China knew what to do from its earlier experience with SARS1 and could have shown others how to respond quickly and effectively? What is it about us humans that keeps us from seeing ourselves in healthy ways so we can help each other thrive? Listen in!

What if we could create an economy that works for the planet, for people, and for profit?

Graham bookAs Graham puts it so eloquently on his website, “We can rise, phoenix-like, from today’s burning global challenges. All of us, and our children, can thrive in the coming decades, because we can build a regenerative global economy: an ecosystem of regenerative businesses.”

Applying the expertise he has gathered across three careers (particle physicist, manager with Procter and Gamble, and serial startup founder), Graham is currently focused on bringing to reality his vision of helping improve people’s lives. To help get out the message that there is a new way to build businesses and an economy that truly works for all people, Graham and co-author Jack Reardon have written a new book, “Picasso and Einstein: the Economy, Leadership and You,” which you can read part of here.

Graham BoydAbout Graham Boyd, PhD: CEO & Founder, Evolutesix 

A CEO, serial entrepreneur, particle physicist, disruptive innovator, author and speaker, Graham Boyd’s passion is making a difference in the world by incubating and investing in adaptive, self-organizing, developmental, FairShares Commons companies. He recently transformed an international non-profit into three for-profits, and is now starting a seed-stage investment fund for ecosystems of regenerative startups. He also consults to multi-nationals and startups on harnessing conflict to drive their own regeneration. During his career, he has worked in the UK, China, Germany, Belgium, Japan, South Africa and Italy. 

Born in a small town in Zimbabwe, Graham grew up as a white teenager in apartheid South Africa during the 1970s and 80s. He now says that his experiences during those years developed his belief that freedom is the strongest foundation we can build on, that we can be fully unique and together as one, and that hidden options can be found to resolve highly complex, nebulous and high-stakes challenges.

Graham recently gave an online talk to the RSA on creating an economy fit for a crisis, which you can watch here. You can contact Graham via Twitter, LinkedIn or his website

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