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237: Dave Summers—How Can You Build Your Digital Brand Effectively?

Learn how to break through the clutter with your story

I met Dave Summers through Peter Winick’s roundtable for thought leaders. What a treat to get to know him. We spent our time talking about how you can build your brand digitally, creating a personality for yourself through social media. Quite quickly, social media has become an amazing set of tools for you to tell your story through videos, interviews, written materials and groups. If you are struggling during the economic recovery to build your business back again, you must listen to Dave and follow some of his how-tos. They are full of common sense that is often overlooked. If you need your story told, your brand built and your audience expanded, listen in.

In this podcast, you’ll learn how to:

  • Put together a plan
  • Rehearse before you do anything on a video
  • Write a script and try it out on others
  • Get your story straight and tell it over and over
  • Use all the media channels, not just the ones you think are best for you
  • Track the impact watch the trendlines.

Dave SummersAbout Dave Summers

Dave was an early advocate and developer of desktop digital media, creating a massive library of web-based content. Working at Pepsi, Accenture and most recently AMA, he has consistently delivered great user experiences, partnering with recognized global thought leaders and the most compelling business storytellers in the world today. Whether through interactive business simulations, podcasts or streamed video, Dave knows how to put out killer content and keep his skills and knowledge cutting-edge current.

You can contact Dave through his website:

For a deeper dive, check out these blogs and podcast

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