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269: Kip Wright—Isn’t It Time To Have The Data To Know That You Are Diversifying Your Workforce?

Learn how to attract and retain the best staff for your business

In this podcast, I was so excited to speak with Kip Wright about the work he has been doing to help corporations and businesses find the right talent and retain them with great performance. Having been an executive in banking and healthcare organizations, I remember far too well the pain of attracting and retaining the right staff. If we went too far afield to find new talent, they often could not fit into the existing culture — even when we wanted to change that culture. If we found the “right” staff, we had to develop and retain them. It is not easy to run a business. Does this speak to you? Lots to learn here from Kit!

Watch and listen to our conversation here

Kip W video

How does your business compare with others on diversity?

One of the tools Kip has developed is a data system that allows a company to compare its diversity with that of others in their industry. The dashboard is interactive and highly impactful. You can enter your own company’s data, see how it meshes with others, better understand the trends, and determine where you need to focus. 

Another idea of Kit’s which I think is so creative is his technology training program for IT professionals, which enables him to provide his clients with great talent. 

We all must change, not just float along

As you listen to Kip, you are going to ask yourself what you can do to solve a problem, not just complain about it. While the times are changing, it is a great time to make change your friend. 

Kip WrightAbout Kip Wright

As President and CEO of Genuent, a North American-based IT staffing and solutions provider, Kip oversees all aspects of his business. A staffing industry veteran, he has spent over 20 years working in all facets of the staffing sector: commercial, professional, recruitment process outsourcing, and contingent workforce management. His past roles have included executive management positions with ManpowerGroup, TAPFIN, COMSYS, Metamor Worldwide, Corestaff, BSG Consulting and Ernst & Young. You can connect with Kip on LinkedIn or email him at

Want tips for attracting and retaining great talent? Here’s a start

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