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291: Michael Schein—How To Hype Your Business Into Success During Fast-Changing Times

Learn how to make “hype” powerfully work for you

This was an amazing interview. I met Michael Schein when he interviewed me for an article he was writing for Psychology Today about my podcast, On the Brink with Andi Simon. That’s right, the one you are listening to right now. Our conversation led to today’s wonderful opportunity to interview him and share his big ideas about how to embrace “hype” and use it to build success. I know “hype” sounds suspect, but in Michael’s case, it involves learning about how people make decisions, and how charismatic leaders capture our attention and cause us to follow them, even when what they are pushing is a hoax or a sham. Here’s your chance to learn from an expert how to capitalize on hype, in a good way!

Watch and listen to our conversation here

Michael video

Grow your big idea into a big success

In our talk, Michael outlines some of his tricks so you can try them. Here are several which we use at SAMC, and you can as well:

  1. Develop a simple slogan that captures the essence of who you are and what you do. For us, it’s “We turn observation into innovation.”
  1. SAMC logo2Produce a visual symbol that stands for you. Make it bold and simple and then imbue it with meaning. Remember how Nike so powerfully did that with their swoosh. To the right is ours:
  1. Embrace repetition. You can never say it, sing it, or show it too much. It takes a lot of time for a message to become yours.

Michael ScheinAbout Michael Schein 

Michael F. Schein is the founder and president of MicroFame Media, which specializes in making consultants and executive coaches famous in their fields. His clients have included eBay, The Medici Group, University of Pennsylvania, University of California Irvine, United Methodist Publishing House, LinkedIn and Citrix. His writing has appeared in Michaels bookFortune, Forbes, Inc., Psychology Today and Huffington Post, and he is a highly sought-after international speaker. His book The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers, was published in January of this year. You can connect with Michael on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MicroFameMedia website or The Hype Handbook website.

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