Announcing “On the Brink” Podcast!


A Brand New Podcast — Designed Just for You! Please hold the date, June 19th!  

That’s the day I am launching my new podcast “On the Brink,” all about how to help you “soar.”

Are you ready to change your business? Maybe your job or career? All too often, people want to change but just don’t know how. This podcast is all about how to “see, feel and think” in new ways—so you can change for the better.

In fact, that’s the subject of my first podcast: How to “see, feel and think” in new ways to reignite your business or career.

What makes “On The Brink” different:

  • Each episode features an entrepreneur with a great personal story to share.
  • Their breakthrough ideas will help you “see” your job, company, career and business opportunities with fresh eyes.
  • All of them are great thought leaders with real-world, easy-to-apply lessons about how to successfully adapt to change.
  • I finish each episode with helpful tips you can use.


Listen to great speakers and leaders like…

aStephanie Breedlove-caption.pngStephanie Breedlove describes how she built a successful multi-million dollar business with a culture of collaboration. Listen to Stephanie’s talk here.

Stephanie Breedlove, Co-Founder of HomePay (previously Breedlove & Associates), explains how she intentionally created a company culture that attracted staff who understood the balance between doing good and doing well. Twenty years later, she sold her start-up for $55 million.


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Kim Shepherd tells us how she sees “holes in the cheese” and then builds innovative companies to fill them. Listen to Kim’s talk here.

Kim Shepherd explains how to build great businesses—something she has done three different times—by re-directing strategic positioning, turning stagnation into innovation and then selling the company for big profit. Her mantra for success has always been “the customer first, then the bottom line.”


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Brent Wilder talks about the massive changes in higher education, particularly in how students learn today. Listen to Brent’s talk here.

Brent Wilder, vice president of The Oregon Alliance of Independent College and Universities, is an established thought leader in higher education. During our conversation, he shares insights on how to effectively communicate and work with people, as well as tactics and strategies you can implement today. 

Subscribe now to “On The Brink” podcast. And enter our free drawing!

Every Monday until September 1st, I will randomly choose one subscriber to receive a free copy of my award-winning book, “On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights.” In it, you’ll find seven stories of companies that were “on the brink”—stalled or stuck. By using the tools and methods of anthropology, they avoided crisis and learned how to soar. You can too!

Subscribe to From Observation to Innovation,


Andi Simon, Ph.D.
Corporate Anthropologist | President
Simon Associates Management Consultants