Author Archives: Andrea Simon

272: Mari Ryan—Time For A Big Strategy For Your Company’s Well-Being

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Mari Ryan about helping people [...]

271: Carrie Peele—Breakthrough Funding to Help Women Grow Their Business

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Carrie Peele about how to [...]

270: Kami Guildner—How To Learn To Speak Your Client’s Love Language

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with business coach Kami Guildner about [...]

269: Kip Wright—Isn’t It Time To Have The Data To Know That You Are Diversifying Your Workforce?

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Kip Wright about how he [...]

Stuck or Stalled? The Time is Right to Rethink Your Journey

Andrea Simon, creator of Rethink Your Journey, asks if the time is right for you [...]

268: Katrina Burrus—Maybe It Is The Perfect Time To Manage A Total Jerk Boss?

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Katrina Burrus about how to [...]

267: Veronica Sagastume—How Do You Switch From A Success in Business To A Successful Business Builder?

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Veronica Sagastume about helping clients [...]

How To Get Women To Rethink The Way They Want To Invest Their Money?

Andrea Simon, author of Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business, examines the outdated [...]

Time To Smash The TOTALLY INCORRECT Myth That Women Can’t Manage Money

Andrea Simon, author of Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business, examines the outdated [...]

266: Alain Guillot—How Do Immigrants Adapt To New Lives In Foreign Places?

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with blogger and podcaster Alain Guillot [...]