Author Archives: Andrea Simon

234: Shellye Archambeau—How You Can Be Unapologetically Ambitious

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Shellye Archambeau about conquering the [...]

Will You Adapt Or Die? How Cultural Anthropology Can Transform Your Business Strategy

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO and corporate anthropologist, explains how anthropology helps leaders see, feel and [...]

233: JD Gershbein—How Is LinkedIn Your New World For Building Networks?

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with JD Gershbein, a LinkedIn expert [...]

232: Tracy Higginbotham—Now Is The Time For Women To Help Women Build Better Businesses

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Tracy Higginbotham about how her [...]

231: Shannon Polson—How Can You Find Your True Grit?

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Shannon Polson about helping people [...]

What I Have Learned In Business Over The Past Half Century

Andrew Simon, serial entrepreneur and SAMC Partner, discusses two hard-earned mistakes that have allowed him [...]

230: Nancy Halpern—Innovative Ways To Find Your Political Intelligence

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Nancy Halpern about how she [...]

229: Rita Denny—Maybe You Need Anthropology To See Yourself In New Ways

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Rita Denny about how the [...]

228: Gail Hayes—Now Is The Time To Empower Women To Build Better Communities

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with thought leader Dr. Gail Hayes [...]

227: Pat Shea—Use Your Passions To Become Who You Want To Be

In this On The Brink episode, Andi Simon talks with Givful CEO Pat Shea about [...]