Author Archives: Andrea Simon

130: Michael Davis—Cybersecurity: Pushing Defenders Ahead of Attackers

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with cybersecurity expert Michael Davis about [...]

Who Are the Successful Innovators in Higher Education?

Andy and Andi Simon, culture change experts at Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC), profile several [...]

129: Maria Gallo—DelVal University Is Now Soaring Thanks To Blue Ocean Strategy®

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon interviews Maria Gallo about Delaware Valley Univ [...]

Ready To Seize Opportunities You’ve Been Missing?

Corporate anthropologist Andrea Simon PhD explains how anthropology can help organizations see, feel and think [...]

128: Stefan Pryor—How The Power of a New Story Transformed Rhode Island

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Rhode Island Secretary of Commerce [...]

127: Jennifer Dawn—Finding Your Way In Business and Life

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with serial entrepreneur Jennifer Dawn about [...]

126: Lihi Segal—Get Healthy And Avoid Disease With Personalized Nutrition

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Lihi Segal, CEO and co-founder [...]

Pause and Take a Look All Around You. What Might You See?

Andrea Simon shares a blog by Todd Schnick about the important insights we can gain [...]

125: Jared Tate—Creating DigiByte, Cryptocurrency With the Best Speed, Ease and Security

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Jared Tate, founder of DigiByte [...]

124: Michael Alan Tate—How A Strategic Plan Can Get You Where You Want To Go

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with business leader and executive coach [...]