Author Archives: Andrea Simon

111: Irina Baranov—Creating Your “Life By Design”

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Irina Baranov about helping high-achievers [...]

What Higher Education Needs Is A More Powerful, Blue Ocean Strategy®

Massive changes are taking place in our culture, especially in higher education, requiring a new [...]

110: Christophe Morin—Capture, Convince And Close More Customer Sales

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Christophe Morin about how you [...]

109: Lynette Guastaferro—Transforming How Teachers Teach In Over 700 Urban Schools

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Lynette Guastaferro about Teaching Matters, [...]

Hate Change? Anthropology Can Make You and Your People Love It!

Change is something people hate. The brain hates it. The culture hates it. Organizations hate [...]

Elisa Spain: How Ego Diversification Can Be The Key To Satisfaction And Joy

Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC) guest blogger Elisa Spain explains that when we get all [...]

108: Diane Darling—Not Good At Networking? You Soon Will Be!

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Diane Darling about how networking [...]

Change Might Be Exactly What Your Organization Needs To Be Successful

Many companies fail to see how the business environment is shifting and therefore get left [...]

107: Alex Vorobieff—How To Replace Chaos With Clarity By Realigning Your Business

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Alex Vorobieff about how his [...]

106: Sam Radocchia—Ready To Trust Blockchain With Everything From Your Food To Your Taxes?

In this On the Brink podcast, Andrea Simon talks with Sam Radocchia about how emerging [...]