Author Archives: Andrea Simon

3 Ways A Female CEO Built A Successful Business With A Culture of Collaboration

What role does corporate culture play in the personal and professional success of women CEOs? [...]

Try This Simple Strategy For Finding Your Inner Resilience

If you’re going through stressful times and need to remind yourself of your resilience and [...]

Top 5 Ways Inbound Marketing Builds Pediatric Online Presence

Using inbound marketing methods is essential for business growth. Read about 5 ways this worked [...]

5 Ways to Find New Customers. They are all around you!

Can corporate anthropology help you find customers, right now? Your business growth could be all [...]

To Be A More Effective Business Leader, Try Being More Likeable

Does how much people like you lead people to follow you? Should business leaders pay [...]

Great Interview with Adam Gamwell, Ryan Collins and Aneil Tripanty @ “This Anthro Life”

Could your business benefit from corporate anthropology? Do you need to see your business with [...]

5 Simple Lessons The Maasai Can Teach Today’s Business Leaders

Studying different cultures can help business leaders adapt their cultures to new business environments. A [...]

5 Trends From The Trenches That Are Transforming The Way We Do Business

Can your business adapt to today's massive changes or will it be left behind? Here [...]

Your Business Is Doing Great! But Are You On The Brink?

Businesses grew in 2016 but will new technology, robots, artificial intelligence and blockchain disrupt them? [...]

What Colleges’ #1 Priority Should Be But Isn’t: Training Graduates for the Future

Colleges need to better prepare students for real-life jobs as the Internet of Things, robots [...]