Author Archives: Andrea Simon

5 Ways to Find New Customers, Today!

Can corporate anthropology help you find customers in the future? What are they asking for [...]

10 Steps to Change Your Corporate Culture

Are you ready to change your corporate culture? Here are 10 things you need to [...]

What I Learned About Corporate Anthropology While Writing My Book

How using corporate anthropology helped me write On the Brink about companies that we helped [...]

Starting A New Business After Retiring? Four Do’s and Four Don’ts

Andrew Simon of Simon Associates Management Consultants offers 8 vital tips to think about when [...]

10 Crucial Ways Hospitals Can Create A Culture Of Innovation

10 Crucial Ways Hospitals Can Create A Culture Of Innovation

Ten Anthropology Tools You Can Use in Your Business

Ten Corporate Anthropology tools business leaders can use to help their business grow.

Why Innovation Games Can Change The Way We Work

Why are Innovation Games changing the way we play at work?

It’s Time To Put The ‘Care’ Back Into Healthcare

Andrea Simon, PhD, President/Founder of Simon Associates Management Consultants, examines ways to solve the widespread [...]

Why Isn’t Your Company Innovative?

It's really hard to change a company because change is pain! But these times demand [...]

Starting A New Business? 8 Keys To Make It A Success.

Andrew Simon, partner at Simon Associates Management Consultants, discusses the 8 essential keys to a [...]