Andrea Simon

Will You Adapt Or Die? How Cultural Anthropology Can Transform Your Business Strategy

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO and corporate anthropologist, explains how anthropology helps leaders see, feel and [...]

It’s Time To Smash the Myths of Women in Business

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, talks with Craig Gibson of Hometown Living about her new book, [...]

Rising To The Occasion, Women Are Proving To Be The Heroines In This Crisis

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, discusses how the pandemic may open up new possibilities for women [...]

Ready To Find Your A-Ha Moment So Your Business Can Soar?

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO and culture change expert, discusses corporate culture change and Blue Ocean [...]

How To Survive These Scary Times: Blue Ocean Strategy®

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, discusses how Blue Ocean Strategy is about finding customers' unmet needs [...]

No Time To Be Afraid Of This Blurry Future

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, shares crucial advice on how to use this crisis as a [...]

Crises Are The Best Times To “Reverse Everything” And Find A Better Way Forward?

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, explains how Innovation Games during the COVID crisis can help business [...]

Now That You Have Your Crisis, What Do You Change?

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, shares crucial advice on how businesses and their leaders can successfully [...]

What Is Futurism And Do You Need It?

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, explains how futurists are different from innovators because they have long-term [...]

Is Everyone Winning But You? Time For A Blue Ocean Strategy®!

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO, explains how Blue Ocean Strategy helps businesses create uncontested market space [...]