Human Development

Embracing the Imposter Syndrome Within: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Success

Imposter syndrome is a topic that often resonates with many of us, yet few of [...]

You Will Love How Exercise And Self-Care Go Hand And Hand

Corporate anthropologist and SAMC CEO Andi Simon discusses how regular exercise improves our physical as [...]

You Can Find Joy And Happiness In Turbulent Times!

In turbulent times, happiness and joy can be found all around you. Here are five [...]

Businesses Must Sustain Diversity And Inclusion For Women

As more organizations put diversity and inclusion at the forefront, women are pursuing male-dominated careers. [...]

Professional Sports Teams Recognize Men And Women Are Worth Equal Pay

The US Soccer Federation reached landmark pay parity agreements with its men's and women's national [...]

Ready To Find Your A-Ha Moment So Your Business Can Soar?

Andrea Simon, SAMC founder/CEO and culture change expert, discusses corporate culture change and Blue Ocean [...]

Why Organizations Should Encourage Employees to Recognize Mistakes and Learn From Them

SAMC partner and serial entrepreneur Andrew Simon discusses how workplace mistakes should be encouraged because [...]

Time to Add Gratitude to Your Life—And Your Company’s Culture!

Is it time to express your appreciation and gratitude? Reflecting on gratitude and expressing it [...]

A 5 Step Checklist to Help Businesses Facing the “Value-Challenge”

Many CEOs are realizing that being a value-add solutions provider is not as valued as [...]