On the Brink

“On the Brink” Bronze Axiom Best Business Book

Axiom Business Book Awards honored best books from all over the world. On the Brink [...]

How To Find Your Blue Ocean Strategy®: Step 4

In this Blue Ocean Strategy blog we talk about how to convert the observations you [...]

How Corporate Anthropology Transforms Observation Into Innovation

In the podcast “Transforming Observation into Innovation” I talk about how corporate anthropology helps organizations [...]

How a Bold, Curious Leader Turned Laclede Chain Around

Is your company stalled? Facing new competition? Could anthropology help you grow again? Read about [...]

U.S. Talent Gap Needs A Blue Ocean Strategy®

A growing talent gap needs a Blue Ocean Strategy for colleges and industry to sustain [...]

Is A Really Big Idea In Plain Sight? Ask Trey Williams!

Trey Williams founded his restaurants after turning his deer hunting into an entirely new idea [...]

Blue Ocean Strategy® Needs Lots of Exploring

To create a Blue Ocean Strategy you need to find new markets. That means you [...]

3 Ways Anthropologist’s Toolkit Can Revitalize Your Company

Anthropologist's toolkit can help revitalize your company. Corporate and business anthropology are designed to help [...]