Business Change Management

Is Your Crisis Coming? Anthropology Can Help You Change To Avoid It.

Corporate anthropologist Andrea Simon PhD explains how anthropology can help organizations see, feel and think [...]

What Makes Arizona State University the Most Innovative College in the US?

Andy and Andi Simon, culture change experts at Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC), discuss how [...]

What Can Community Colleges Expect From the US Chamber of Commerce in Terms of Job Skill Creation?

Andrew Simon, partner at Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC), discusses how colleges and universities are [...]

Who Are the Successful Innovators in Higher Education?

Andy and Andi Simon, culture change experts at Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC), profile several [...]

Ready To Seize Opportunities You’ve Been Missing?

Corporate anthropologist Andrea Simon PhD explains how anthropology can help organizations see, feel and think [...]

Pause and Take a Look All Around You. What Might You See?

Andrea Simon shares a blog by Todd Schnick about the important insights we can gain [...]

Time to Add Gratitude to Your Life—And Your Company’s Culture!

Is it time to express your appreciation and gratitude? Reflecting on gratitude and expressing it [...]

A 5 Step Checklist to Help Businesses Facing the “Value-Challenge”

Many CEOs are realizing that being a value-add solutions provider is not as valued as [...]

Celebrating the Simon Initiative for Entrepreneurship

Andi and Andy Simon created the Simon Initiative for Entrepreneurship at Washington University in St. [...]

Blue Ocean Strategy® Can Create a New and Uncontested Market Space

Blue Ocean Strategy is a perfect way to create new markets, capture unmet demand, and [...]