Business Change Management
Time to Add Gratitude to Your Life—And Your Company’s Culture!
Is it time to express your appreciation and gratitude? Reflecting on gratitude and expressing it [...]
A 5 Step Checklist to Help Businesses Facing the “Value-Challenge”
Many CEOs are realizing that being a value-add solutions provider is not as valued as [...]
Celebrating the Simon Initiative for Entrepreneurship
Andi and Andy Simon created the Simon Initiative for Entrepreneurship at Washington University in St. [...]
Blue Ocean Strategy® Can Create a New and Uncontested Market Space
Blue Ocean Strategy is a perfect way to create new markets, capture unmet demand, and [...]
What Professional Services Risk If They Continue To Avoid Change
No matter your business, change is all around you and requires some big shifts in [...]
Finding Not One But Two Blue Oceans
Blue Ocean Strategy preaches that finding unmet needs is a critical element to business success. [...]
What Higher Education Needs Is A More Powerful, Blue Ocean Strategy®
Massive changes are taking place in our culture, especially in higher education, requiring a new [...]
Hate Change? Anthropology Can Make You and Your People Love It!
Change is something people hate. The brain hates it. The culture hates it. Organizations hate [...]
Change Might Be Exactly What Your Organization Needs To Be Successful
Many companies fail to see how the business environment is shifting and therefore get left [...]
Entrepreneurs Do Customer Research Through Corporate Anthropology
Entrepreneurs building their business, gain a crucial competitive advantage by using the methods and techniques [...]