Business Change Management

Can You Learn Something From a Failed Venture?

Even if a great idea doesn't work out, there are still valuable lessons to be [...]

What To Do Now That Consumers Are Redesigning Their Own Healthcare Solutions?

Today’s healthcare users are self-designing their care to match their personal demands. What does this [...]

When It Comes To Corporate Culture, Are Men And Women All That Different?

What type of workplace culture do women really want and is it that different from [...]

Your Most Important Job: Creating Psychological Safety

SAMC Guest Blogger Cheryl McMillan talks about the importance of psychological safety in the workplace, [...]

What Is Being Done To Help Patients Stay Safe And Get Well At Home?

Hospitals work hard to ensure patient safety in their medical facilities but what can be [...]

Time for a Blue Ocean Strategy® for Companies in the Oil and Gas Industry?

Companies that have been supporting the production of oil and gas are facing a crisis. [...]

5 Ways Twitter Turns Likes Into “Love You”s

5 Ways Twitter can help help you use your network into inbound marketing success.

To Capture Men, Healthcare Systems Need A Blue Ocean Strategy®

Healthcare Innovation needs the processes in Blue Ocean Strategy® so the consolidating systems can build [...]

What Are Buyer Personas And Why Should They Matter To My Business?

Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customer and they allow you to create [...]

10 Great Blue Ocean Strategy® Blogs

10 Favorite Blue Ocean Strategy Blogs to help you start your own discovery.