On The Brink

Crushing It: Women Entrepreneurs Show You How To Build a Better Business

Andrea Simon, SAMC President/CEO, discusses 3 women entrepreneurs whose stories illustrate how women in leadership [...]

It’s True: Blockchain Is The Future, Especially In the Construction Industry

Andrea Simon,SAMC President and founder, is interviewed by Peggy Smedley of Constructech about blockchain and [...]

The Most Successful Under 40 Women Entrepreneurs

At SAMC, we specialize in helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality. By using the [...]

What Can We Learn From The Mistakes We Make?

Corporate anthropologist and culture change expert Andrea Simon talks about how organizations actually succeed when [...]

Want to Change Your Organization’s Culture? Try the OCAI!

A business is always in a state of motion. If you want to grow and [...]

Want To Save the World? Women Entrepreneurs Are Already Doing It!

In local communities around the world, women entrepreneurs are making a real, measurable difference in [...]

When Was the Last Time You Really Looked at Your Business?

When was the last time you looked at your business with fresh eyes? Maybe it [...]

The Time is Right for Businesses to Hire Anthropologists

There are a growing number of jobs for anthropologists in business, and a growing realization [...]

Why Pay Parity Is Good For Business

In an American Express OPEN article, Andrea Simon talks about how gender pay parity is [...]

Can A Little Anthropology Help Your School Change?

Rachel Carney and Andrea Simon talk about how schools are using anthropologists and anthropology's methods [...]