
064: Ask Andi series—Want Your Company To Not Just Survive But Thrive? Hire Anthropologists.

In this Ask Andi, Andi Simon talks about why hiring anthropologists is good for business [...]

063: Kelly Roach—Are You Ready to Become “Unstoppable”?

In this On The Brink podcast, Andi Simon interviews Kelly Roach who shares 9 principles [...]

062: Marcella Bremer—Build a Better Business With an Amazing, Positive Culture

In this On The Brink podcast, Andi Simon interviews Marcella Bremer about how she helps [...]

061: Melissa Greenwell—Gender-Balanced Leadership Doesn’t Just Happen

In this On The Brink podcast, Andi Simon interviews Melissa Greenwell about how to change [...]

060: Katie Wilson—Passionate About Her Community and Running For Congress

In this On The Brink podcast, Andi Simon interviews Katie Wilson, a Democrat single mom [...]

059: Kimberly Davis—Leading Change: Are You A Brave Leader?

In this On The Brink podcast, Andi Simon talks with TEDx speaker Kimberly Davis about [...]

058: Kelly Platt—A Personal Journey of a Successful Business Leader

In this On The Brink podcast, Andi Simon talks with female entrepreneur Kelly Platt about [...]

057: Ask Andi series—What’s Hot and What’s Not

In this Ask Andi episode, Andi Simon talks about today's trends, what's hot and what's [...]

056: Amy Bruske—A Guide for Sustaining Great Family Businesses

In this On The Brink podcast, Andi Simon talks with Amy Bruske, an expert in [...]

055: Richard Sheridan—Joy in the Workplace

Richard Sheridan of Menlo Industries and two of his talented team talk with Andi Simon [...]