Celebrate this week’s “On the Brink” Podcast Winner: Nick Mattone

Congratulate Nick Mattone!! 

Nick Mattone, John Mattone, Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching Process and Certification.Nick won this week’s drawing for a copy of my book On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights.”

Both Andy and I worked with Nick while we were preparing for our executive coaching certification offered by Nick’s father, John Mattone. Nick manages John’s outstanding program, Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching Process and Certification, which in 2015 was named one of the three Top Advanced Leadership Development Programs that Change Lives (along with Tony Robbins’ Creating Lasting Change and John Maxwell’s 5 Levels of Leadership).

Having earned a global reputation for possessing a special ability that unlocks and unleashes greatness in leaders, John has been ranked as one of the world’s top leadership authorities and speakers by the research organization, Globalgurus.org.

If you would like to know more about Nick, John and the programs they offer — to build your executive coaching skills, develop your leadership capabilities or unlock your company’s potential — contact nick@johnmattone.com.

And more good news: John will be one of our upcoming “On The Brink” podcast interviewees in the near future. Don’t miss out! Subscribe to our podcast now and you too could win a free copy of my award-winning book, On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights” during our weekly Monday drawings.

To listen to current “On The Brink” podcasts, click here

From Observation to Innovation,

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Andi Simon, Ph.D.
Corporate Anthropologist | President
Simon Associates Management Consultants

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