Driving Change
Want to Change? Have a Crisis or Create One!

At SAMC, one of our specialties is working with clients that have become “stalled.” They have really good years of growth but then, suddenly (or not so suddenly) things stall. We are often asked, “Can you help us find new markets, revive faltering ones, use Blue Ocean Strategy® to create new market space—or just please help? We know we need to change, but how?”
That’s when we tell clients, If you want to change, have a crisis or create one.
How to sustain growth in changing times, before there is a crisis?
There is excellent research by Steve McKee documenting the frequency with which even large Fortune 100 companies have faced a major revenue stall point.
Whether our present economic challenges are going to cause companies to rethink their strategies and their cultures is unclear. Yet, everywhere we lecture and lead workshops, we see the pressures growing. This may be a very good time for you to think about how to drive change.
How do you “Drive Change”?
From our SAMC client experiences and relevant research, we are lazer-focused on “Driving Change.” Most companies take pride in the stability of their processes and the values and behaviors that their well-established cultures have provided. Today, however, they are challenged to sustain growth or leapfrog over the competition to open a new market space with innovative thinking and new solutions.
These typical slow-down issues are:
- the loss of RFPs
- a circular customer base, with new customers not replacing those that left
- pricing pressures as the company and their services become commodities
- changes in the way people and companies are using the internet to buy the products and services they need
- consolidation of companies as mergers and acquisitions take place, often leaving smaller companies without their former clients
The challenge is how to sustain a company’s growth when the times are changing. And they are certainly changing, faster and faster.
How can we help your company innovate?
At SAMC, we help clients “see, feel and think” with new eyes before they redesign their business strategy or deal with their company’s culture—two areas on which we concentrate.
You might find these blogs and podcasts valuable
- Blog: 10 Steps to Change Your Corporate Culture
- Blog: Hate Change? Anthropology Can Make You and Your People Love It!
- Podcast: Gustavo Grodnitzky—Culture Trumps Everything!
- Podcast: Ask Andi Series: How Do You Change Your Culture?
Ready to discuss how we can help you adapt to these fast-changing times?
At Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC), we are culture change experts who specialize in helping companies and the people who work for them realize that yes, “change is pai,” but they can change and actually do it well. Contact us to discuss how our team of specialized corporate anthropologists and business change management advisors can suggest ways you and your business can change to weather today’s crisis (and those to come) and achieve even greater success. We look forward to hearing from you.