I’m Honored To Be Awarded The First Vistage Top Performer Award

For many years I’ve been affiliated with Vistage International, the world’s largest executive coaching organization, giving talks and leading workshops on topics ranging from culture change to Blue Ocean Strategy. Recently, I was thrilled to be a recipient of the inaugural Vistage Top Performer Award for 2020, a great honor. Part of Vistage’s new Speaker Awards & Recognition program, the Top Performer award is an annual recognition of speakers who have presented 25+ engagements, maintained a 4.5+ average score, and have a 95%+ recommendation rating in the previous year. Having given more than 450 talks, with a cumulative score of 4.6, I think I qualify!

Helping CEOs make better decisions by bringing leaders together

For more than 60 years, Vistage has helped CEOs, business owners, key executives and emerging leaders reach new levels of success. It does this by bringing these leaders together so they can share ideas, troubleshoot problems and identify blind spots in their companies as well as their industries. They bring in speakers like me who are subject matter experts.

As I reflected on my years of traveling around the country, indeed the world, speaking to Vistage members, they taught me as much as I shared with them. The CEOs and their Key Leaders are unique among other clients I have worked with. They come to the Vistage meetings with open minds and a willingness to feel uncomfortable, and to learn new things to take back to their organizations. I complement them. I also learned about business leaders in different parts of the country and how they can be struggling or mastering the same challenges but in very different ways. Boy, can culture play a role on how people see things.

So I thank you, Vistage, for the recognition. But even more, than you for the opportunity to be of help to you and your members.

From Observation to Innovation,

Andi Rethink
Andi Simon, Ph.D.
Corporate Anthropologist | Author | CEO Simon Associates Management Consultants