“On The Brink” Press Release

Is your business On The Brink?
Corporate Anthropologist Dr. Andi Simon’s new book launches today.

Turning observation into innovation – a fresh lens to take your business to new heights!

NEW YORK, NY – JULY 5, 2016 – Innovation has become such a ubiquitous value, it’s in danger of becoming cliché. Companies frequently talk about it as the sweeping secret to solve all their business problems; however, they often don’t know where to start or how to expand beyond creative brainstorming to strategically identify and act upon new business opportunities.

Andi Simon is a corporate anthropologist who has empowered thousands of business leaders to see their companies with fresh eyes, identify their next big ideas, and–most importantly–turn innovative solutions into executable change.

Corporate Anthropologist Dr. Andi Simon  is a  contributor to Forbes media and speaks nationally for C-Suite audiences through Vistage as well as for groups, conferences & executive re-treats. 

“Andi Simon makes strategy compelling, intuitive, actionable, and fun!  Andi is the best strategy speaker I’ve heard over 20 years of working closely with CEOs.”
—Allen Hauge, Group Chair, Vistage International 

 “Andi Simon not only outlines concepts crisply but also offers implementation techniques that executives can understand and execute. From finding new markets to innovation to Blue Ocean Strategy, Andi Simon is one of the best speakers around today.”
—Clyde Northrop, Master Chair, Vistage International

In her groundbreaking book, On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights, Andi presents her unique methods for harnessing innovation and revitalizing business growth. Taking readers on a journey through seven case studies, Andi shares how she helped these businesses discover new and profitable growth opportunities by exploring the untapped resources that were right in front of them.

Book Praise:

“Every leader should pick up a copy of On the Brink. It’s a must-have resource, especially in this time of transformative, customer-led change.”

“The business world is constantly evolving, and the companies that thrive are the ones that evolve with it. Through the innovative practice of corporate anthropology, Andi Simon has created a framework and set of techniques that any enterprise can use to adapt to changing times and be ready with their next big idea.”

“On the Brink takes the mystery out of corporate anthropology and its practical impact on business challenges. Whether the issue at hand is developing or iterating on strategy or resolving general organizational design challenges, Andi breaks down the model and methods into practical steps that ensure every company understands its customers, how their needs are changing and/or evolving, and how to harness a company, and its culture, around those needs to ensure long-term growth and success.”


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