034: Ron West—Perpetually Disrupting Yourself

Listen now to Ron West teach us how to avoid disruption by mastering digital transformation!

Are you being threatened with disruption by new technology or by start-ups that are beating you at your own game? Want to learn how to leverage technology so you can dominate your sector instead of being left behind? In this podcast, Ron West and I talk about just these topics. An inspiring and entertaining speaker, Ron specializes in helping business leaders boldly navigate change. Sound like something you could use? Don’t miss our discussion about digital transformation and how to take command of your market space.

corporate caterpillar book.pngMastering digital transformation requires leaders to first transform themselves in order to transform their organizations. Their businesses then become the change we all want to see in the world. In Ron’s masterful book, “Corporate Caterillars: How to Grow Wings,” he describes his “blueprint” which you can use to create your own individual and corporate transformation, taking your organization from limited to limitless.


In this episode, Ron West and I discuss: 


  • Accepting change as a complex process
  • Entering the learning cycle to leverage change in our environments
  • Exploration as a necessity to acknowledge and adapt to consumers’ needs
  • Different forms of awareness to help leaders see trends of change
  • Creating a space for individual experimentation, allowing leaders to have breakthroughs

Resources mentioned in this episode: