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081: Tom Fox—Is Your Company As Compliant As It Needs To Be?

 Listen now as Tom Fox explains how compliance drives business success!

In today’s podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with and learning from Tom Fox, one of the nation’s leading writers, thinkers and commentators on corporate compliance. Known as the Compliance Evangelist, Tom has recently published “The Complete Compliance Handbook” which provides the most up-to-date guidance available on what constitutes a best practices compliance program for companies. Is your organization in compliance? Listen in and find out.

tom fox imageBetter Compliance = a Better Run Company

It is by having a robust compliance program that a company can provide the ongoing oversight to literally burn compliance into the very DNA of the organization. As a result, the company is run more efficiently and, at the end of the day, is more profitable. Similarly, this type of changing a corporation from the inside out, whether it’s rethinking the organization’s culture or adapting the business strategy for changing times, is something we stress with many of our clients.

A master of the ins and outs of compliance

complete complianceAn internationally recognized speaker and thought leader on corporate compliance programs, Tom is the author of 12 books on compliance, ethics and leadership, including the international best-selling “Lessons Learned on Compliance and Ethics” and “Best Practices Under the FCPA and Bribery Act.He also leads the social media discussion on compliance with his award-winning The FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog and the Compliance Podcast Network.  

In this podcast, Tom Fox and I talk about:

  • How to build a strong culture and organization
  • The challenges organizations face when confronting compliance issues
  • Why people sometimes miss the value of rules for themselves and their organization
  • How people solve problems from habits, which is not always the best way
  • How compliance is a business solution, not just law

For more reading or listening, check out these blogs and podcasts: 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Is your company culture ready for the future or stuck in the past?

At Simon Associates Management Consultants, we’re culture change experts who specialize in helping organizations change, grow and thrive amidst today’s changing times. We can help you identify what your company’s culture is today and what it needs to be to take you successfully into the future. To learn more about our approach, please contact us so we can begin to help you and your organization adapt to the fast pace of today’s business environment. 


Download the 1-page synopsis of my book, “On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights” here