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112: Andy Gole—How To Turn Your Salespeople Into Sales Heroes

  Listen now as Andy Gole explains how to give your sales team a winning competitive edge!  

Are your salespeople seeing the results you are expecting from them? Did you provide excellent training, but no results? Are they having intelligent conversations with their clients or potential clients…or not? Perhaps they need a dose of Andy Gole and his Urgency Based Selling® (UBS). That’s what Andy and I are talking about in our podcast today. Listen in and see your sales soar!

Andy Gole-1What is UBS, anyway?

What you will hear Andy discuss is how Urgency Based Selling creates a paradigm shift for sales teams. It turns the traditional, negative perception of sales upside down by proving to salespeople that they are the heroes who ensure the continued well-being of their company.  

Consider this:

  • Sales are all about building trust. It is not the buyer’s job to figure out how you should be trusted.
  • Rather, it is your job to figure out how to create an approach where they will trust you, convincing them that your solution will be the one solution that exceeds all the rest and helps them become the star in their company by really serving their clients.
  • Andy explains this process and how it works. It is remarkably precise and is closely tied to how the brain builds trust, and how this trust converts into customers wanting to buy your product, service or solution.
  • The salesperson, on the other hand, often knows how to be liked and is driven by a desire to find people who will like them. But, they often miss out on how to convert that into business results.
  • Training can be informational or transformational. For your sales team, it has to build engagement and inspire them to change their mindset to embrace new skills.

Think of sales development like a game.

Your folks have achieved the core skills to play but no one is winning. How can you hone in on the right skills and have them practice, practice and practice some more to really drive home the bottom line results that are all within their hands? 

According to Andy, it is their bravery in the field, every day, that brings sales. Facing the unknown is what makes them brave. Once they recognize this, Urgency Based Selling gives them new knowledge and practices which make the sales process more efficient and effective. It’s a singular sales training experience that gives your sales team a competitive edge.

A little background on Andy

Andy Gole is the founder and president of Bombadil, LLC, which was established in 2004. His experience brings a unique blend of both the theoretical university professor and street-wise sales warrior to sales training and consulting.

Andy’s expertise has helped senior leaders and business owners re-energize their sales efforts and create a corporate paradigm shift in their sales approach. He coaches sales teams on how to engage clients in serious conversations, a practice which leads to measurable, profitable sales increases. 

Though he describes himself as a sales theorist, his approach, the Urgency Based Selling System, is built on the more than 4,000 direct sales engagements Andy has personally performed. As he will tell you, his greatest reward is helping sales teams accomplish results they considered impossible to achieve. Andy has been a Vistage speaker since 2009.

When clients work with Andy, they can expect: 

  • salespeople doubling their closing ratios
  • sales increases, typically, of 10-20%
  • the client’s selling becomes a defendable position. (Analysis shows that even up to 6 years later, the competition can’t emulate the process!)

To learn more about Andy, check out his website:

For additional insights: 

Additional resources:

Download the 1-page synopsis of my book, “On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights” here