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124: Michael Alan Tate—How A Strategic Plan Can Get You Where You Want To Go

 Michael Alan Tate explains how to create successful career move strategies!

I had a wonderful podcast interview with Michael Alan Tate. You will enjoy listening to him, too. What was of such interest? The challenges of change, of course, something that we at SAMC spend a lot of time working on with clients. Michael has been an executive consultant and career coach for more than 20 years. He is also the founder and president of On the Same Page Consulting, as well as an inspiring speaker and author. His first book, “Design a Life that Works,” teaches how to balance business, career, family and personal values in an individual strategic life plan. His latest book, The White Shirt,” gives you the tools to create successful career move strategies. This is one podcast you shouldn’t miss—we can all learn so much from Michael!

Expertise in career transitions

Michael Alan Tate - head shot-1Michael came into his own after realizing that he was miserable doing outplacement services for a company that was downsizing. Determined to make a change, he drew up his own personal plan, pitched it to his boss and created a new job. No longer was he helping people move out, but rather, helping them grow into stronger performers—where they were and where they were going in their own lives.

Now president and CEO of On the Same Page Consulting, Michael works with successful executives, entrepreneurs and technical professionals who are seeking a simple action-focused plan to effectively manage career transitions, keep teams on the same page, and prepare for positive leadership succession.

Some background on Michael

With over 20 years’ experience as an executive coach, consultant and strategist, Michael knows that successful people want to navigate the murky waters of career transition as quickly and effectively as possible. Drawing on his own experience, he developed a unique consulting strategy in which he helps each of his clients create a powerful and succinct strategic plan, incorporating prioritized actions.

Michael Tate's bookIn his latest book, The White Shirt,” Mike speaks not only to those facing career transitions but also to their loved ones (spouses, partners, parents, children, siblings, friends) who can and should be involved in the process of designing a career plan. Whether graduating from college, struggling to find a job, re-entering the workforce, changing careers or preparing for retirement, Michael shows us how to successfully navigate a transition while maintaining a healthy, happy, balanced life.

Listen in and enjoy the journey. Michael and I certainly did. Afterward, he said, “Wow, that was my favorite podcast!” It was certainly one of mine.

To learn more about how to be an effective leader, check out these podcasts and blogs:

Additional resources:

Download the 1-page synopsis of my book, “On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights” here