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243: Lisa Linfield—Women, It Is Time To Get Your Money Madness Under Control

Hear how to change your mindset and start living your Best Life

Lisa Linfeld is a special woman leader with a passion to teach women about how to rethink their lives by changing their mindset. In today’s talk, she and I share with our On the Brink listeners how to “see, feel and think” in new ways by changing how you manage your mind. I first met Lisa when she interviewed me for her Working Women’s Wealth podcast whose aim is to help women take control of their income, their wealth and their finances. Lisa thinks of this as a fight — a fight to get women the freedom they deserve. Our discussion is about how you can get “unstuck” from your mindset that is keeping you from living your “Best Life.” Listen, learn, share.

Perhaps it is time for you to collaborate with your mind

In the podcast, Lisa and I share what we are learning from the neurosciences and social sciences about change and how to help people do it. One of the most important things is how the mind creates its visual image of reality. From that visualization, we literally only see what the brain wants us to see. 

“Isn’t it time for women to be as good as men at managing and growing their investments?”

I know that this sounds like sci-fi but your brain imagines not only what you have experienced but how you believe and how are not imagining your future you. For women, as Lisa knows so well, money has become something they know should be central to their concerns. Yet, all too often, it is a sidebar to other things they have to care about — their children, their homes, their jobs. 

Lisa’s book, Deep Grooves, will help you: 

  • Linda L bookDiscover the Five Signposts to find your unique path to joy and purpose
  • Uncover your Real Reasons change isn’t happening and put in place frameworks to change that actually work
  • Learn the brain science and the shortcuts to “re-wiring” your thinking
  • Understand how to make small daily changes that bring about your Best Life

Lisa LInfieldMeet Lisa Linfield

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Lisa Linfield has lived and worked in the UK and South Africa, spending 19 years in financial services companies before starting her own wealth management company, Southern Pride Wealth. She has a B.Sc., a B.Com (Honours) in Financial Planning, is a member of the FIA, and has postgraduate degrees from Oxford University, London Business School and Insead. You can connect with Lisa on her website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Working Women’s Wealth, and Southern Pride Wealth.

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