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253: Janine Firpo—It’s Time To Help Women Invest For Sustainable Growth

Learn how to make money investing in the things you care about

All of the women in my new book,Rethink: Smashing The Myths of Women in Business,” inspire me. They are all strong, bold trailblazers who overcame endless hurdles, regardless of the industry they were in or the field they were pursuing. One of these women, Janine Firpo, is the guest of this podcast. I wanted you to hear her talk about her passion and her purpose. When you read her chapter in my book, you will learn how her personal story set the stage for what we discuss today. Janine is on a personal mission to empower others, particularly women, to understand how to manage their money, invest in what they care about, and make substantial returns on their purpose-driven investment decisions. All of us really need to hear this interview!

Watch and listen to our conversation

Janine video
When women take control of their money, they can change the world

As Janine so aptly puts it, “Where we choose to put our money matters. Whether it’s parked in a savings account at a big bank or sits in the stock market, what your money is funding may shock you—and not paying attention isn’t an option anymore.”

Janine bookTeaching women how to invest in the communities, people and values that bring them joy is the subject of Janine’s new book, “Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World,” coming out this May. This is also the focus of her groundbreaking investment company, SEMBA, which embodies Janine’s core values and mission: to create a more just and equitable society by teaching women how to invest their assets in alignment with their personal values.

Women helping women invest for good

Written in collaboration with over 120 women (and a few men), “Activate Your Money” combines stories of women’s personal finance journeys with practical and actionable investment strategies, giving women the knowledge and confidence they need to take control of their money and grow it by investing in the things they believe in. Janine says that her book was inspired by her encouraging mother, a series of women mentors and an extensive community of women who paved the way for women in business.

Janine FirpoAbout Janine 

Throughout her diverse 35-year career, Janine Firpo has held numerous high-profile positions, including Deputy Director for Financial Services for the Poor for The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lead Investor at Next Wave Impact Fund, mobile banking expert for the International Finance Corporation, and Director for the Hewlett-Packard Company. You can connect with Janine through her website SEMBA, her blog, Twitter or LinkedIn.

More great stories of women smashing myths and hurdling over barriers

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