Tag Archives: Anthropology

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392: Eisha Tierney Armstrong—With The Rise Of AI, Professional Services Are Turning Into Products. Are You Ready?

 Hear how we can all embrace the notion of productization, not fear it Today [...]

Assessing and Transforming Corporate Culture: A Comprehensive Approach

The Importance of Corporate Culture Companies today face an extraordinary array of organizational challenges, from [...]

375: Gillian Tett—Hear How Anthropology Can Send Your Business Zooming To The Top

Learn about another AI: Anthropology Intelligence As a corporate anthropologist, some of my favorite conversations have [...]

Unearth The Hidden Gems: How Anthropology Can Help Your Business Grow

When it comes to your business, you’ve undoubtedly seen that much of what worked yesterday [...]

Why An Anthropologist Would Write A Book About Women Emphatically Crushing It In Business

Why? To help propel changes in the business world for the future. I have just [...]

360: John Curran—How Can Anthropology Help Your Business Soar?

 Hear how anthropology helps you see your business through a fresh lens It was [...]