Webinars - Innovative Healthcare Series

This highly-informative webinar series was created to help healthcare executives, physicians, administrators and payers better understand the enormous changes occurring in the healthcare industry today. Presented by outstanding experts in their fields, this series gives healthcare institutions, staff, physicians, and even patients, crucial insights into what is happening in the field so they will know how to respond as they adapt to changing times.


Building Execution into Strategy

How St. Vincent’s Health Services Effectively Adapted to Changing Times

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The secret to growing your revenue? Effective communication strategies.

In this very engaging 1-hour session, Stericycle’s Matthew Henning, Patient Prompt’s Colin Hungand SAMC founder and president Andrea Simon, Ph.D. discussed the most pressing pain points in healthcare today and how focusing exclusively on cost cutting leaves potential revenue on the table. Using multiple case studies, they illustrated how the key to revenue growth lies in well-thought-out, highly targeted communication strategies that can reduce missed appointments, patient unpreparedness and re-admissions.

What these three experts covered:

  • How to identify the sources of quick revenue wins without investing in complex projects
  • How revenue protection influences cost reduction
  • How bridging gaps within the organization can yield a better project ROI

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


The future is now: robotics and machine intelligence are becoming major players in healthcare

In this fascinating, enormously informative 1-hour session, expert Healthcare Strategist Donald G. Bellefeuille and SAMC founder and president Andrea Simon, Ph.D. examined the current state of robots being used for logistical and clinical purposes, the rapidly advancing field of clinical robotics and machine intelligence, and the future state of autonomous machines and intelligence.

After viewing this in-depth, forward-looking webinar, you will be left with a provocative vision of what the hospital of the future might very well look like.

What Donald G. Bellefeuille and Andrea Simon covered:

  • The forces driving change in hospitals
  • What technology is being used now
  • What technology will likely be in use 5 years from now
  • What technology is emerging that could be in use 10 years from now
  • The nature of active and passive robots, and bounded and unbounded machine intelligence

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Inbound Marketing: How to do it and why the future of your business may depend upon it

In this highly-informative 1-hour session, SAMC founder and president Andrea Simon, Ph.D. demonstrated how “to do” Inbound Marketing. She presented specific tools to convert “searchers” into customers. Are they looking for a physician? You want them to choose your physician. Perhaps they’re comparing hospitals? You want them to choose your hospital.

What Dr. Simon covered:

  • The data: How today’s consumers are shopping for healthcare solutions and answers to their questions
  • The process: How marketing should change its processes to capture searchers
  • The tools: How to initiate the Inbound Marketing journey for your organization

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Time to embrace the brave new world of healthcare marketing

In this innovative 1-hour session, Stephen Moegling, Partner, Franklin Street and SAMC founder and president Andrea Simon, Ph.D., shared what today’s healthcare consumers think and feel about hospitals, how they want to be reached and persuaded, and what apps and technologies to use for engaging them. They also provided tools, tips and the research needed to innovate your next marketing campaign.

What Stephen Moegling and Andrea Simon covered:

  • What today’s healthcare consumers really think about healthcare providers
  • How they spend their media time
  • The best ways to connect with them: apps, technologies and digital opportunities
  • Strategies to connect with (and win over) your next patient

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Inbound Marketing: How to capture consumers and turn them into customers

In this 1-hour webinar, Corey Smith, Sr. Director, Healthgrades and SAMC founder and president Andrea Simon, Ph.D. explained how inbound marketing is quickly becoming the necessary strategy for healthcare organizations to grow. Corey covered how hospitals must adapt to the way today’s consumers make decisions, how to recognize and then successfully intercept a potential patient, and how outbound and inbound marketing can intersect for superior results — critical information for today’s healthcare environment.

What Corey Smith and Andrea Simon discussed:

  • How-to’s of inbound and outbound marketing strategy
  • Healthcare-specific inbound marketing
  • What’s on the horizon/the marketing plan of the future
  • What the C-suite can expect from marketing

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


The time really is now for healthcare to adopt a culture of innovation

Healthcare organizations across the US are trying to create more adaptive and innovative cultures. What is their culture today? How do they change it to become something else tomorrow?

Corporate anthropologist and SAMC founder and president Andrea Simon, Ph.D. examined how now might be a perfect time for organizations to step back, assess their current culture today and see what it will take to create a culture of innovation where the new is embraced and change becomes “the way we do things here.” She then shared 5 tools—that work—which hospitalleaders can use to change their organization’s culture and make the change “stick.”

What you’ll learn:

  • How to assess your organization’s culture as it is today and what you would like it to be in the future
  • How to get your team to work together to make your vision a reality
  • How change is painful but can be accomplished, successfully

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Today it’s all about metrics and ROI (return on investment). But how do you develop and use them to your advantage?

What can metrics tell you about ROI? What changes should you make to be more profitable? In this webinar, David Marlowe, healthcare marketing expert, shared the answers to healthcare marketing-specific ROI. He showed how to establish core healthcare marketing measures, measure your results and prioritize your marketing resources, specifically:

• The challenges of developing and using metrics
• Three major categories of healthcare marketing metrics
• “Marketing Dashboards”
• Today’s hot, cutting-edge metrics
• Healthcare marketing ROI in depth

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Discover how Brand + Search + Social = online integrated marketing success

How do you reach the right people at the right time with the right message? What does integrated marketing mean and why is it crucial to the success of your business? How can you get Google to give you a top ranking?

Joe Beccalori, online marketing/search expert; Joe Heavey, veteran hospital administrator; and Peter Michos, marketing and advertising heavyweight, shared how to successfully create, execute and evaluate an integrated online campaign.

What was covered/what you will learn:

  • top ways your brand can cut through clutter and noise
  • how to use SEO to propel you to the top of Google rankings
  • how to successfully jump on the social bandwagon
  • what’s coming on the horizon

Click here to view/listen to webinar.



The Patient Experience means everything!

Do you know what patients really think of your healthcare organization? Do you care? What kind of experience did they have the last time they visited you? And how are they talking about you on the Internet? If you don’t have the answers, this webinar will show you how to get them!

Andrea Simon, Ph.D., culture change expert, and Kris Baird, recognized thought leader in the patient experience, discussed in depth:

  • Five ways to use medical mystery shopping to improve the patient experience
  • How to retain and recruit new patients
  • How to learn what your patients are thinking…and telling others
  • How to become your current and potential consumers’ medical facility of choice

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Learn how to navigate the massive changes in healthcare by acting as an entrepreneur

In this 1-hour webinar, Dr. Sam Basta shared valuable insights and practical advice for innovating the patient care experience. He discussed the application of Human Centered Design into the healthcare delivery process to achieve significant improvement for patients, their families and their providers.

Drawing upon his considerable experience in the medical and entrepreneurial fields, Dr. Basta outlined:

  1. The “Perfect Storm” of sciences and technologies reshaping care delivery
  2. The tools and methodologies necessary for facing that storm
  3. A framework for systematic innovation in integrated delivery systems

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Physicians and healthcare systems across the U.S. are now paying (long overdue) attention to Men’s Health

Only 60% of men have physicians. Men die, on average, 5-10 years earlier than women. They don’t go for screenings, they don’t pay attention to diet and exercise, they don’t stop smoking, they don’t take their medications, and most don’t like going to the doctor so they just don’t. No wonder 4 out of 10 men have high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, cancer or diabetes, and often a combination of several.

Learn how to reach the elusive men’s market

Dr. Charles S. Modlin, MD, MBA, FACS, Kidney Transplant Surgeon, Urologist, Founder and Director of the Minority Men’s Health Center at the Cleveland Clinic’s Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, and Executive Director of Minority Health at Cleveland Clinic, joined Andrea Simon, Ph.D. to discuss how for the past 12 years, he has been successfully engaging men in their health and wellness through strategically targeted programs at Cleveland Clinic—the annual Men’s Health Fair, Minority Men’s Health Center, and his many outreach programs. Of particular focus was the increased engagement in health and wellness, resulting in a significant improvement in outcomes that men have been experiencing as a result of his efforts.

In addition, Andrea shared a number of other men’s health programs that are successfully reaching out to, connecting with, and retaining men in innovative ways so that they get involved with their own health and well-being, collaborating with physicians and hospitals as their partners in caring.

Click here to view/listen to webinar.




Learn how healthcare marketing and communications must become more sophisticated than ever before

In this webinar, Geonetric’s eHealth Evangelist, Ben Dillon presented new research from the 2013 Survey on Initiatives in eHealth, examined how leading healthcare organizations are using digital communication tools to attract and engage patients, explained how communications are evolving to support the healthcare organizations of the future, and shared the skills and tools your organization will need to be successful.

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


How to master the incredible pace of change in the healthcare marketplace

As the Affordable Care Act is implemented and healthcare expenditures continue to rise, providers and payers need to explore how to best set themselves up to succeed in an evolving marketplace.

In this webinar, Margaret Davino, Partner at Kaufman Borgeest & Ryan, discussed how the relationships between hospitals, physicians and other providers are changing and what structures are being used for providers and payers to work together, including accountable care organizations (ACOs). Margaret also described the different models of collaboration between hospitals and physicians, how these affect reimbursement, and what to expect in the future.

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Change is pain but absolutely necessary to adapt to these changing times

In this webinar, Dr. Andrea Simon, Founder and President of Simon Associates Management Consultants, spoke in depth about healthcare innovation in three key applications:

  1. Taking data and ideas and envisioning new ways to solve old problems simpler, easier and better.
  2. Taking these ideas and turning them into testable innovations.
  3. Building this into a culture of innovation for your institution.

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


The answers to your healthcare challenges are all in the data

Linda MacCracken of Truven Analytics reviewed data analytics needed for Fee For Service and Fee for Value consumer engagement in today’s rapidly changing healthcare industry. She also examined pressing business questions which focus on data analytics as effective, innovative ways to improve customer intimacy and enhance margin, and gave practical tools to help you and yourteams find better ways to serve your customers.

Then, Dr. Andrea Simon shared vital ways to tie data and information into valuable insights to help you better “see, feel and think” in new ways so you can “do” better in changing times.

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Brands answer the critical question: “Why You?”

  • What differentiates you from the other choices available to consumers and physicians in your local/regional/national markets?
  • What does your institution really represent—more of the same or something completely new and different?
  • How can you create and communicate a brand that still makes you “the place to work” and “the place to go” for healthcare?
  • How can you inspire your associates and physicians to “Live the Brand” and become your brand ambassadors?

In this highly informative discussion, Dr. Andrea Simon and Dianne Auger, SVP of Marketing at St. Vincent’s Health Services, examined hospital branding and re-branding from the perspectives of those going through the challenges of:

  • Re-branding their organization
  • Internally branding to incorporate new ways of “living the brand”
  • Transforming Physician Practices to Corporate Brands
  • Protecting the equity of long-established brands

Click here to view/listen to webinar.


Are the FUGs — Fear, Uncertainty, Greed — getting in the way of you “seeing, feeling, thinking and doing” in new ways?

This inaugural “Healthcare Innovation: Trends From The Trenches” webinar took an in-depth look at the major changes seen by Dr. Andrea Simon and Kriss Barlow taking place in healthcare today. In this highly-informative webinar, you will learn practical, actionable tools to get rid of the “FUGs” and get you moving again.

Andi discussed the very real pain of change, as well as the trends she is seeing in the field. She then offered six ways you and your team can successfully innovate to respond to the dramatic changes confronting your organization.

Kriss examined the often-overwhelming challenges faced by physicians and healthcare providers at all levels of the industry, shared two case studies of companies that have undergone successful change, and advised how you can accomplish successful change as well.

Click here to download the slide presentation.


At the recent Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD) conference in Washington, DC, I presented a workshop with Mark Clark, Healthgrades vice president of strategic development, called: “Your Data Wants To Talk — How Can You Hear It?” The focus of our presentation was the enormous challenges hospital marketers are facing as they grapple with how to turn an abundance of data into smarter marketing strategies.

Realizing that they cannot continue to market patient-centric, high quality care as their brand, hospitals now have to make their organizations’ customer experience different from other healthcare institutions’ and relevant to consumers. But how? Big data combined with crucial insights into consumer behavior. But there’s a catch: While we search data to understand a population’s or a person’s healthcare journey, it is a person’s own story that gives that journey meaning. If you are in healthcare, you need to understand how to use that meaning to deliver better care to keep people living active and healthy lives. This webinar shows you how.

Click here to download our presentation.